


本期报道 ...

  1. 会员会议登记已开放
  2. 2016年十大正规网赌网址博览会-成功
  3. 交通工具的更新
  4. 新成员

将社会 ...

会员们,请关注十大正规网赌网址的Instagram @ calffflowers和标签#澳门十大正规网赌网址. 关注事件或特定新闻的标签.  十大正规网赌网址欢迎你的照片! 请与Michael LoBue分享 (电子邮件保护).



8/9/16 蒙特雷凯悦酒店蒙特利,十大正规网赌网址

8/16/16 柏悦酒店卡尔斯巴德,十大正规网赌网址

8/18/16 承认帕克十大正规网赌网址圣巴巴拉市

2017 Fun’N Sun:

2017年8月9日- 12日 柏悦酒店卡尔斯巴德,十大正规网赌网址 


Our goal is to communicate on a monthly basis with the membership and interested parties about recent past and upcoming events, 程序更新, 以及澳门十大正规网赌网址如何代表会员参与该行业的一般信息.



十大正规网赌网址8月份剩下的两次会员会议现已开放网上注册.  If you would like to attend the meeting in Monterey you can register on-site on August 9th at the Hyatt Regency.

结识老朋友, 结交新朋友, 并在您附近的会员会议上加入有关十大正规网赌网址花卉产业的讨论. 

澳门十大正规网赌网址 strives to create opportunities for open dialogue among members and to help your businesses thrive.  参加其中一个会议,了解十大正规网赌网址2016-17年的计划.

点击这里 下载注册表格或按照以下说明进行在线注册.

以下是每次会议的暂定日程安排.  圆桌会议议题将于近期公布.

  Time 议程项目
  11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 登记
  12:00 p.m. - 12:45 p.m. 欢迎午餐
  12:45 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. 策略规划报告
由首席执行官Michael LoBue介绍
  1:45 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. 打破
  2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.


  • Fun 'N Sun
  • 运输
  • 营销项目 & 项目2016 - 17
  3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. 供应商的接待

登记参加这些会议, 点击适当的会议链接,然后简单地按照下面的说明. 每次会议的价格是:早进场25美元,进场35美元.

  会议 早起者
  2016年8月16日——十大正规网赌网址卡尔斯巴德艾薇拉柏悦酒店 $25
(by 08/09)
  2016年8月18日- 承认帕克十大正规网赌网址圣巴巴拉市 $25
(by 08/11)

请注意,注册需要登录澳门十大正规网赌网址网站.  如果您忘记了用户名和/或密码, you can retrieve them using your e-mail address (the e-mail address at which you have received this e-mail notification).


  1. 登录后,您将看到一个包含会员会议地点和日期的页面.  点击 注册自己 button.
  2. 在注册页面, 十大正规网赌网址为您存档的联系信息将自动填充到字段中.  请填写任何遗漏的信息.  Note that any changes you make to your contact info here will automatically be updated/saved in our database.  标有红星的字段是必需的.
  3. 输入联系人信息后,单击 下一个 在页面底部,取消政策下方.
  4. 在摘要页上验证您的联系信息.  如果需要更改,请单击 以前的 返回注册页面.  点击 下一个 进入安全支付页面.
  5. 在付款页面上,输入您的信用卡信息并验证/更新账单地址.
  6. 点击 提交付款 完成您的注册.  您将看到一个确认页面,并且相同的信息将通过电子邮件发送给您以供您记录.
  1. 登录后,您将看到一个包含会员会议地点和日期的页面.  点击 注册链接配置文件 button.
  2. 从下拉列表中选择要注册的人员.
  3. 在注册页面, the contact info that we have on file for the registrant will automatically be populated into the fields.  请填写任何遗漏的信息.  Note that any changes you make to the registrant's contact info here will automatically be updated/saved in our database.  标有红星的字段是必需的.
  4. 输入注册人的联系信息后,单击 下一个 在页面底部,取消政策下方.
  5. 在“摘要”页面中验证联系人信息.  如果需要更改,请单击 以前的 返回注册页面.  点击 下一个 进入安全支付页面.
  6. 在付款页面上,输入您的信用卡信息并验证/更新账单地址.
  7. 点击 提交付款 完成您的注册.  您将看到一个确认页面,并且相同的信息将通过电子邮件发送给您以供您记录.
如果您需要注册多个个人,只需重复上述步骤.Please note that you can also register for any of the Member 会议s by logging in directly from the 澳门十大正规网赌网址 website at netzeronavigator.28277cc.com.  只要点击 会员登录 点击主页右上方的按钮,即可进入会员专页, 在哪里可以找到会员会议注册表格的链接.如果你有任何疑问或问题, 请不要犹豫,通过电子邮件与澳门十大正规网赌网址办公室联系 (电子邮件保护) 或致电831-479-4912.


For 17 days beautiful CA GROWN flowers were showcased in the California State Floral Association (CSFA) exhibit aptly named the CA GROWN Floral Shop. 县立B馆的几乎所有展品都自豪地展示了十大正规网赌网址的天才们创造的安排

Floral arrangements of all shapes and sizes displayed in the CA GROWN Floral Shop enticed fair-goers with their beauty and fragrance. Crowds were drawn in by the flowers overflowing from the shop and the 设计师 who brought floral design to life every day of the fair. 

Guests learned the benefits of visiting their local florist and buying flowers grown in California with the CA GROWN logo. Thank you to each of the 设计师 and docents who donated their time to demonstrate floral design in action and educate people on everything from flower varieties to bridal bouquet trends! 他们的热情也展示了花卉设计背后的工艺和艺术性.

The California State Floral Association (CSFA) gave away arrangements every day to surrounding exhibits to guide fair-goers toward the CA GROWN Floral Shop. 人们真的停下来闻闻玫瑰(还有百合、石竹和向日葵)的香味。! 在集市的最后一天, 设计师 created personalized bouquets for those who stopped by which ensured that their fair memories will forever be filled with the thought of CA GROWN Flowers.

7月17日星期日,鲜花占领了集市th这是连续第二年在州博览会上宣布的花卉日!  鲜花日上午以学生设计比赛拉开序幕. 汉密尔顿高中的Lucia Fuentes在学生比赛中获得了第一名的荣誉.      

十大正规网赌网址农业在课堂上合作, 儿童花卉设计展有19名6至10岁的学生参加.  Each of the budding floral 设计师 made their own arrangement from a “surprise package” and each student received a gold ribbon and a gift bag of California Grown information provided by California Agriculture in the Classroom. 观众对十大正规网赌网址比赛阵容的新成员感到很高兴.

十佳设计预选赛于下午举行.  这些才华横溢的设计师吸引了观众,使B楼人满为患. 1st 地方赢家, Nooria Kandahari, 雷尔花店, will be eligible to compete in CSFA’s Top Ten Design competition during CaliFlora 2016 in November at the LA Flower Market. 

Sage花卉设计的口音, 晨兴花店和The Big Bang与晨兴花店在tableescape比赛中竞争, Sage flower Design和The Big Bang的《十大正规网赌网址》获奖st, 2nd 和3rd 分别的地方.  The winning design was determined by audience participation during the Farm-to-Fork Edible Flower Cooking Competition. 所有比赛都以CA grow花卉为特色.

汉密尔顿高中的露西亚·富恩特斯获得了学生花卉设计奖.  Nooria Kandahari, Relles花店,赢得了十佳设计资格赛.

为花日画上句号, there was a Farm-to-Fork Edible Flower Cooking Competition featuring three local chefs who highlighted hibiscus, 旱金莲和monarda(蜂香). The hibiscus ceviche dish created by David Fujimura with Taste Restaurant in Plymouth took first place in the competition! Chef David incorporated fresh and dried hibiscus petals and impressed the judges with his creativity with flowers. 大厨克里斯托弗·巴纳姆, 行政总厨和共同所有人的地方煮的上等肋骨上的旱金莲香辣酱和意大利烩饭. 主厨Mike Lim, 火山联合酒店的厨师, served lamb marinated in fresh bee balm (monarda) leaves to infuse it with a minty flavor over a corn and mushroom succotash.

非常感谢Allan和Millie Nishita, CSFA州博览会主席, 马蒂Espe, 以及芙罗拉生鲜公司的每个人.  特别感谢卡尔·弗劳尔斯, AAMSI, 感谢CSFA董事会成员和无数志愿者的帮助,使这一天取得了巨大的成功. 

Karen Genoud AIFD, CCF, Tonya Mitchell AIFD, Rachel Salmen and Jeff Clary from the Flower Shop Fair Oakes created beautiful designs which adorned an antique truck displayed in front of the CA GROWN Floral Shop.  这是一个很好的拍照机会!

今年参加十大正规网赌网址博览会的游客不仅对花卉有了新的认识, 任何额外捐赠的花卉产品都被交给了“花瓣连接”, a 100% volunteer 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to connect beautiful floral bouquets to local hospice patients and seniors in need of a little joy!

A tremendous vote of thanks to every California flower farmer for making the CA Grown Floral Shop a successful outreach event!  YOU made this event happen and we are grateful to each and every one of you for donating your beautiful California grown flowers for the entire 17 day run of the Fair:

A&M花卉种植公司. - Accent d忧郁- California Pajarosa Flowers - CallaCo - Eufloria Flowers - Ever-Bloom Inc. - Flora Fresh Inc. -花卉资源萨克拉门托-格拉达-韦花园-绿谷花卉公司. - Greenwell花卉公司- Gringo Ventures LLC - Hilltop Flowers Inc. -荷兰美国花卉有限责任公司-约瑟夫 & 儿子公司. -科赫十大正规网赌网址有限公司. -最大托儿所有限公司. ——Mellano & Co. -万基花卉国际-纳塔尔摩尔- O&J Growers - Ocean View Flowers - Resendiz Brothers Protea Growers - Smithers Oasis-Floralife - The Sun Valley Group - West Flower Inc.




  1. 如果你还没有, 现在是开始熟悉十大正规网赌网址的澳门十大正规网赌网址网站(www.calflowers)的好时机.28277cc.com).  There is a wealth of information there that can answer many of the questions you have regarding transportation or anything else your association is doing.  费率、项目信息、联系人和活动只是会员可以使用的一些例子.  这也很简单,只要用你的用户名和密码登录,就可以了.  如果您需要帮助登录或忘记密码,请十大正规网赌网址的办公室寻求帮助.
  2. 正如你所看到的,澳门十大正规网赌网址最近推出了联邦快递IPD项目.  This program is tailored to our wholesale members and allows fast 3 day airport to door import of product from Colombia and Ecuador. 十大正规网赌网址的计划提供优惠的价格和特殊的最低两箱.  其他特殊的豁免适用,会员只需要联系克里斯·约翰逊咨询760-533-5580或 (电子邮件保护)
  3. We want to remind our shippers using FedEx that we have available Premier Customer Service to our membership.  This elevated level of customer service is able assist members with additional services not available at the general 800 number.  要使用十大正规网赌网址的特别代理团队,只需拨打800-GO-FEDEX并按9键.  输入您的联邦快递账号后,他们会在那里协助您处理各种各样的请求.  

NOTE: 运输 Rate information and documents are now viewable/downloadable (as PDFs) on the 澳门十大正规网赌网址 Members Only site. Please note that these documents are considered sensitive material and are available to the primary contacts for Ag Buddy, 把花, 副种植者, 及仅限花卉会员.

进入会员专用网站, 只需使用十大正规网赌网址网站右上角的会员登录按钮即可登录.  

点击这里 如果你不知道或不记得你的用户名和/或密码.  本文档将帮助您登录. 










阿尔宾哈格斯特龙 & 儿子公司.



41大道1500号,卡皮托拉240套房,十大正规网赌网址95010 | netzeronavigator.28277cc.com | Ph. 传真831-479-4914